16:36 video
I walk in to find you have left the entire bed full of balloons alone. Not one has been touched, played with or popped. You have simply waited patiently for me to help you do what you are too scared of doing. Luckily I am fearless in popping them all in all ways I can think of. Of course I use my mouth and teeth and burst them in my face as I watch your reaction. You really enjoy how I have no fear with the shards flying and the noise of them popping. I squeeze many between my thighs until they cant take anymore. I use my fingers to rip apart others. I sit on many and I lay and hump others until they cant take the wrath of my body on them. I really like how you watch me as I seduce each and everyone of these balloons until they simply cant keep inflated any longer. The stretching of the necks as i put my bare ass on them and bounce. My bare-feet helping me destroy others. I really start getting worked up as I lay on top of a few sticking my ass up in the air, imagining you behind me or will you just sit there and watch someone else fuck me as I fuck a balloon because you are too scared of it popping. No matter, i save one very durable balloon for you to get over your fear and learn that shards from a popping balloon wont hurt you but only bring us more experiences together, naughty fun that is:)