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16:36 video
I walk in to find you have left the entire bed full of balloons alone. Not one has been touched, played with or popped. You have simply waited patiently for me to help you do what you are too scared of doing. Luckily I am fearless in popping them all in all ways I can think of. Of course I use my mouth and teeth and burst them in my face as I watch your reaction. You really enjoy how I have no fear with the shards flying and the noise of them popping. I squeeze many between my thighs until they cant take anymore. I use my fingers to rip apart others. I sit on many and I lay and hump others until they cant take the wrath of my body on them. I really like how you watch me as I seduce each and everyone of these balloons until they simply cant keep inflated any longer. The stretching of the necks as i put my bare ass on them and bounce. My bare-feet helping me destroy others. I really start getting worked up as I lay on top of a few sticking my ass up in the air, imagining you behind me or will you just sit there and watch someone else fuck me as I fuck a balloon because you are too scared of it popping. No matter, i save one very durable balloon for you to get over your fear and learn that shards from a popping balloon wont hurt you but only bring us more experiences together, naughty fun that is:)
13:37 video
slave lewis was early to our day together of him serving me as I feel fit so instead of having him wait in the other room while I shower, why not ensure he is properly taped up, gagged and blindfolded while I tend to washing my hair, shaving my legs, armpits and lady bits. I throw my towel over his head and if he does as he should, my towel should remain dry and even warmed by his bound body and head. I talk with him a bit reminding him of a few situations we have been in in prior years. So many fun times with him bound with many many more to come! Lets just try not to have the cops called or lose my phone or drop the handcuff key or have a furry helplessly involve himself with our scene:) Good times, great gagged bound times!
7:35 video
I've been on the road for several days and what better treat than a stay at a hotel with endless hot water, A proper bed and a roof that isnt tent material or my van roof. I'm having my morning coffee as I strip out of my clothing to get ready for this day of several more hours of driving across the country. I ask you to wipe your own glasses if they get too foggy from watching me shower but you seem to have that under control today as I get myself wet and add shampoo and wash my hair, rinse it out then add conditioner and let it sink in while I wash the rest of my body off and get it all soapy and clean. I decide not to shave today, but nonetheless having you in the bathroom with me watching me shower is as much fun for me as it is for you. Here's to a great day. Will you join me tonight for another shower please?
14:14 video
Finally back on island time but lots to do and things to keep me busy and new friends to make. I'm getting ready for weekend with Irreverent Warriors and I tell you a bit about it as you watch me shower as you sit in the doorway and watch and listen. I wash my hair, I let the conditioner soak in my wet hair as I lather my naked body up and shave my legs, armpits and vag. I never know what I will get into so its important to be prepared for anything and everything. I dry off with my new favorite type of towel make of turkish cotton as we discuss our next step together. Yes, its time to eat, naked before we get ready for our weekend shenanigans
9:06 video
I have lewis taped up and immobile. He is bound with lots of duct tape to include it wrapped around his mouth and eyes so he isn't able to see what is to come next. All I know is its been a while that I last masturbated and lewis is in the perfect position to sit on and use as my personal furniture while I use my Hitachi magic wand and orgasm several times. Of course I throw in a few ass spankings to remind him he is a tool for my entertainment purposes only and a mighty fine chair to sit on as well. All he can do is umphh thru his many layers of ducttape gag. He cant wiggle his limbs as they too are very stuck to the ottomans legs. His bare ass is available to spank at any time. Once I orgasm once, there is several more to come as once is never enough. I use his ass and back as many ways I can as a warm chair to cum on. Ahhh, this is how it should be. No Goddess should have to sit on a cold chair, but a human bound chair instead to bring herself pleasure. Don't you agree?
12:02 video
I'm hanging out at a friends place and even tho not near to the beach, sure feels and looks like I should be so why not wear my bikini around the house to just imagine the beach is nearby.
Whats even better than wearing a bikini is find a roll of almost clear small plastic bags that are calling my name. Not to put anything in them except for my hot air from my lungs. If they hold air, I will pop them. That's all there is to it. Its been a while that I have played with little bags like this but after blowing my air into a few of them, I am reminded just how much fun they are to pop. Its tricky to form the hole for my air to go inside but once my grip is good on each, there's no stopping me. I use my mouth and lips to expand each of the bags and I ensure each pop. I love watching as the plastic stretches and stretches more and more before not being able to take anymore of my exhaled air inside of them. Ahhh, what a great day ton pop anything that holds my breath.
12:41 video
I have been driven to the middle of the woods and left on my own for a bit. I decide to slip off my slippers and put on high heal boots to look a bit sexier for my guy, when he does return. I get a bit nosy and decide to look in the glove-box and find a package of condoms. Now I understand his intentions and its time I show you and him how i feel about condoms. I unwrap several and realize they are un-lubricated therefor making it easier to hold as I blow them each up with my mouth until they either cant take anymore of my hot air or I decide to pop them with my teeth or my long red fingernails. The more that burst, the bigger my smile gets, knowing its fewer condoms available for any sex acts he was thinking about using them for. I mean, blowing up condoms is way more effective in making us both smile than not seeing just how big they expand until they pop, right?
9:16 video
I finally finished clearing a friends place of all the furniture and carpet from a hurricane destroyed house but now that its all dry its time I use this empty and very echoey house to my benefit. I find a chair and fill my pocket up with clear balloons with confetti inside and smoke a cigarette indoors, which is super rare nowadays and I get to work, or well, play that is.
I light up my smoke and blow up these fun balloons, tie them off and keep my burning cigarette between my lips and slowly bring each of the balloons to the hot cherry. Once the cherry hits the loon, shards go flying as does the confetti. The silver silver circles go everywhere to include on my sweaty body, my dreads and everywhere else. Luckily I am able to clean up the mess without too many consequences. I'm sure these lil confetti pieces will be found through out the entire house rebuild but until then, I will continue to pop all the balloons in my pocket with my cigarette and smile and giggle. The more loons that pop, the bigger smile I get and the more confetti that flies.
I sure love this indoor echoey room that I can smoke and pop in. Too bad I ran out of balloons, or else id fill this place with shards all day long.
11:50 video
I see you haven't popped a single balloon since I blown them all up. Were you too scared? Where you waiting for me? Did you even touch them and play with any of them at all?
Well, its time to make them all go away and turn them all into the shards they were always intended to be.
I use my imagination and practically every body part of mine to burst each one of them. I sit my bare ass on many, bouncing on them, making the neck stretch and protrude as I love to do. Some pop fast, others make me work for it and let you enjoy watching my naked body bounce and jiggle before they meet their demise. I use my teeth on others to turn them to shards and I use my bare-feet, my long finger nails, and my thighs to destroy many of them too. Knowing they each will pop, makes me smile bigger and bigger. I wish you would join me in riding and popping these, especially since i'm naked and willing to have anything that bursts beneath me. I know you are scared but I am not so don't you fret, all these balloons will be destroyed as you sit there and watch me and my naked, tattooed, pierced body pop them all.
Now, will you blow more up more balloons so we dont have to let this fun stop?
16:06 video
I just got done masturbating and cumming many times and now it's time for a shower. I am in a unique, very talkative and sweaty mood and it's time to rinse off and shave. I discover I only have shower gel to use to wash my hair, wash my body and shave as you will hear me explain how disappointed this makes me. But due to my good mood and my after orgasm glow this doesn't stop me from doing my typical shower routine. I talk about how I appreciate hair conditioner, filtered coffee and hoping I can work the shower knobs here in another country. I tell you what I love about the United Kingdom and I tell you a little bit about what I don't as you watch me wash my hair and lather it with shower gel and not soapy sudsy shampoo. I shave my legs. I shave my girly bits and I shave my armpits all in preparation for a night out on the town. Hoping you will join me for a few snake bites at the local pub. This is a rare, very talkative but wet nonetheless shower with Fayth
22:07 video
Sometimes things go differently than ever expected, and this is one of those times. All I wanted to do was crawl into this comfy cage and relax for a bit before my next inevitable kinky playtime. Little did I expect to find a huge balloon and well, I cant just let it be. So I happily start blowing this huge "love & sex" print balloon up. The neck is thick and long but I soon get my lips trained and get blowing smoothly and happily. I figure Ill blow this sucker up and once it hits the edge of the inside of this cage, it'll pop and ill then take a lil rest. Well, I keep blowing and blowing and freakin blowing as it slowly starts covering my entire naked body. It touching all the edges, the bars, the wood above and starting to really squish my body harder and harder down onto the cushion beneath me. Soon my head is as far up as possible and my mouth and lips are having a hard time wrapping around the neck due to the balloons huge size and unmoving nature. Its pressing down on me like no other bondage or rope ever has. My knees are even stuck straight. I'm trying to wiggle, squirm but instead, I try my best to keep on blowing, now nervous and scared as to if and when it will pop. I soo realize there is nothing more I can do in blowing or moving my very restrained by a balloon body to pop this sucker, so I squeeze my arm out of the cage bars and count to 3 to pop this huge balloon with my fingers and nails. I really had no choice since you know, safety 3rd. Once it pops, altho expected, it still scares me a bit not knowing where the shards will land or if they will hurt and bite me. WOW, holy moly, and all i wanted was to relax and what I got was my very first bound by a balloon in a cage experience. Heck, it wont be the last;)
12:04 video
I am sitting naked on a balcony smoking a cigarette and having my morning coffee. My hair is down & flowing as I share with you my next part of my journey with my hair. This natural flowing red hair will no longer be seen, but instead will be the start of a many year journey of dreadlocs. I have wanted and desired locs for many many years and I am finally making this come to life in just a little bit. Why not sit naked and talk to you about my hair as I touch it as much as I can since it will no longer feel this flowing again. I don't know what to expect other than a long overdue wish come true. What I think will happen, is not what I occurred but that is for me to learn and you to enjoy my new look from now on. No more brushing my hair, no more ponytails or pigtails. No more trims or knots either. I am so thrilled for this journey of locs and I hope you enjoy my future dreadhead look too. If not, that's okay too. This is for me and that's all what matters. Now to find other friends that are on the same journey to answer questions that I have never thought I would have.
21:05 video
I am checking out a friends place to see if its a place Id like to rent for a weekend but the first test is to see how the lighting is and neighbors react to any "strange" or loud noises they may here. I cant help but want to blow up a bunch of balloons for us to play with and NOT pop them until we both decide that's what we want to do. I have a big pile of deflated balloons of all sizes, shapes, colors and even different textures and I have a hard time picking which to blow up so I do something a bit different and decide to do a blind pick and blow. I'm surprised i've never done this before as I really enjoy this means of picking the next one to blow up not knowing how big or small or the color. My smile gets bigger and bigger the more balloons I inflate and tie off and lay on the bed beside me. You sit back and also smile knowing you and I will get to play with them together when I decide my lips have had enough of wrapping around each neck hard and wet. Once my lips start getting a bit sore and tired, and I am happy with the many balloons awaiting our fun time, and of course I leave a bit of energy left in my lips so take care of you if you desire too. ahhh, so far I definitely approve of this place but I think we need more blown up balloons, don't you?
17:34 video
This video is ONLY of playing & popping of 6 huge balloons. The entire video of the inflation process will be released later. It is a very unique & frustrating video you will to want to miss. In the mean while, enjoy only the climax of each balloon and their demise. 1 balloon bursts while inflating, the other 5 do wait until I am ready to pop them after I tie them off. Since the inflation process was such a long unknowingly challenging thing for me, I was not able to inflate them as big as I wanted too but nonetheless, they each explode into shards, just as they are intended too. I am in a biting mood as I bite and pull on the tied off nub on almost all of them, stretching it out far and popping it back. I run my fingers and longer nails down them making squeaking noises. I wrap my nude colored nylon pantyhose tights covered legs around the huge loons. I wrap my arms around them and lick the taught surface, i kiss, I rub, I seduce them before i decide to burst them with mostly my long fingernails but also my big mouth as I bite2pop one too. I have never played with 6 huge balloons like this in 1 video and as you can see, I am smiling huge after each pop. ahhh...what a unforseen challenging custom video this was to film but in the end, I am one happy girl with shards surrounding me.
9:53 video
Tomiko & I have been friends for many years and i learned from the beginning, she is pretty fearful of balloons, since she doesn't like when they surprise her when they pop. Luckily she still is willing to join me and slightly put her fears aside, altho she definitely doesn't hide her fear or hesitation to the inevitable popping that will occur. This time, I choose huge tye-dye balloons that I know will take longer than we have to blow to pop but this doesn't stop me from handing her a loon and having giggles and laughs in this very echoey stairwell. I show her the technique to blowing a huge thick round neck vs a smaller balloon neck. Once we blow them up a bit, we stop and realize the loons have an odd shape to them, making us giggle even more. We blow and we blow and get a bit light headed too. Once we fill up the space we are sitting, I decide its time to tie them off and pop them with our legs. Tomiko is so scared and when I pop mine between my legs, she screams but also knows she must pop hers. She is so very hesitant but with my persuasion and insistence, she shoves the huge loon between her bare legs and wraps her ankles and tries to pop it but with a bit of help, hers too pops causing us to react genuinely. Since we both are having a blast, why not put the huge shards over our hair and use them as swim caps and go for a swim:)
9:18 video
I recently had a hair makeover to include having dreadlocks and extensions added to my looks and what better way to test them out? I decide to go in the pool and see how they float and also experiment with different ways of blowing bubbles when under the water. I have a cement block at the bottom of the pool with rope to help me stay under the water as I use different types of straws and hoses to blow bubbles all under the water. You can see I am smiling with my eyes as my lips purse around each of the straw options as I blow bubbles making them float to the surface. What better way to spend the day in the pool then naked in the sun? I try to make the bubbles last as long as possible but i can only hold my breath for so long. You get to see every breath I take and hold to then blow it out to show you the bubbles of my breath that I blow as you watch with your infinite breath hold
12:53 video
Naked and ready to blow the longest neck balloon I have ever blown. I don't realize the challenges of blowing this balloon up until I get started as I explain to you and show you how the rolled up part of the neck does not stay in my mouth. So I must hold the long neck in my fist and put my lips inside the neck to inflate this big huge clear balloon while I am wearing nothing but my birthday suit. The more I blow up this KTY 26" long neck balloon, the more I know I need to acquire and blow up and play with more just like this. It takes many many breaths for it to start expanding as I really enjoy putting both my fists around the neck as I inflate this loon. My stomach goes in and out with every breath that I blow into the balloon as the rest of my naked body gets fresh air too. Once the neck starts expanding and forming, I decide to tie the very end of the neck off where it's rolled making the knot as close to the end as possible. I'm still in shock on how long this neck is and how it will be when I sit on it later. But first will you join me in the bedroom so he can have some fun with this beautiful clear big balloon without popping it?
12:14 video
I am finishing up the night in a dungeon in the UK and what better place than this gaudy pink room to sit back and blow up my new balloons and use my legs to pop majority of them. I tell you how I feel as these balloons are different. They're small. They're hard to blow, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun blowing them up, tying them off and popping them in my own little way. Whether it be I bite them or squeeze them really hard with my thighs and maybe using my long fingernails to assist in bursting all of them. All I know is no balloon is safe around me and this further proves that they all belong in shards even if I am in a pretty pink room full of wigs and costumes that will never fit me. Just another lovely day in the UK blowing and popping and ending with a grin.
11:04 video
It's finally time to blow up some of my traveling balloon stash. I am in a great mood with a genuine smile and it's time to do what I love and blow up some balloons with absolutely no popping involved. I blow up many colorful round balloons and tie them off and tell you how I feel as I do so. I blow each one of them up with my strong lips and my hot air. Some without my hands holding onto the balloon as I blow. I explain how I feel and hope none of them pop so we can play with them fully inflated and tied off with no pops involved just yet. My blue eyes and the colorful balloons and the leopard print unitard I'm wearing really makes for a sexy scene that I wish you would help with to blow up these balloons, but instead you just sit in the corner and watch me do what I love. I position myself in ways that you enjoy and that you can fantasize having me in whether you're above below or behind me as I inflate these loons up for us to enjoy together looking you in the eyes thinking about what is to come and what will happen.
12:35 video
I really do enjoy the challenge of seeing just how many states I can film myself (have you sit and watch and listen to me while quietly sitting in the corner) taking a shower. At first it was a fun lil thing, now it's an all out mission to have you join me in as many shower room as possible. This time i'm at a friends house in Michigan that has the most amazing shower head options, altho I have no idea how to work them all. 1 is enough for me to wash and condition my hair, shave my armpits, my legs and my pubic area. I have to get all clean and smooth for my shoots later today so what better time for us to spend together before I get busy.
10:42 video
I am all ready to have a fancy dinner with fancy guests arriving soon and I see my guy made such a huge mess and didnt clean it up. I can't believe he left all these packing bubbles outside, just laying around. I get angry really fast as I try to pop them with my high heels as I step on them again and again but it doesn't work, so I remove my heels and use my bare feet to stomp angrily on them. I pile more and more so I can pop them faster. I used my oprah covered hands to squeeze them to destruction. The sun is beating down making me sweaty and more agitated with every moment. I just can't believe this mess. I do all I can to pop every single plastic pillow bubble as fast as I can. I stomp, I kick, I squeeze, I bite, I am just angry. I gripe and bitch the entire time but I don't stop popping until I am happily throwing the deflates pieces of plastic away from me. Uggg..I finally finish popping them all the best I can, as I put my elegant hat back on, grab my shoes and insist he comes out and sees what I did for him. He better clean up his mess and give me a foot rub for how nice I was to clean up his blown up inflated mess.
7:03 video
Knotty Guy just finished decorating for his birthday in a way that i did not expect. I didn't know I was to be part of his celebration but I guess that's what friends are for. Now its time for him to sit back and watch me struggle in this very strict balloon hogtie. I am also blindfolded and gagged with balloons. I struggle as much as I can making the balloons make noise as they rub against each other. I roll around and I'm surprised they aren't popping due to my weight. Knotty Guy then has a devious plan as he pours legos all around me and on me hoping in my struggles the balloon bondage pops from me. I do try to protest this decision but I am in no place to do anything but roll around the legos hoping it works. Some pop, many don't. I am fearful as I don't know when they will pop or if they will sting or where it will sting me from the exploding shards. Knotty Guy isn't happy with the minimal popping so he grabs a huge needle and meticulously pops one loon at a time, making me shriek with every burst. Some sting a lot, other the fear is the worst. I have never experienced a birthday celebration like this before, but what can I say, I love balloons, Knotty Guy loves rope so what better way to spend time before we go have a nice birthday dinner.
23:34 video
I am feeling really sexy as I just put on a very elegant and revealing dress for dinner. But my mouth needs a little action so I choose one of the biggest balloons I have and straddle the stool with my makeup and my hair perfectly done. And I just want you to sit back and watch me blow and show you as much as my leg as my dress reveals my mouth wraps around the neck over and over again as I expand and blow up the balloon. Expanding bigger and bigger as you watch. Nervously and excitedly you know I'm going to pop this balloon but neither of us know how and this just makes you more excited. I keep blowing and stretching this balloon showing off its beautiful tie-dye design bigger and bigger. The balloon gets bigger as my smile also gets bigger and my sexy smirk looks at you in seductive ways. Knowing you are very excited for this pre-dinner blow. Once my lips become a little sore as I need to save them for after dinner, I decide to tie off this big blown up balloon and slowly squat on it. But as I put my full weight onto this balloon, I discover a leak and I quickly pop it with my long red fingernails. Neither one of us expect it to pop this way, but nonetheless it ends in shards. Just the way you and I like it now it's time to slip on my 6-inch red high heel pumps so we can enjoy each other's time and the sooner we finish dinner. The sooner we both can come back to this bedroom and use whatever energy my lips have left on you. Maybe another balloon or maybe on your very excited manhood time will tell.
17:20 video
First you are too scared to blow up all these damn balloons cause you don't want to pop any accidentally. You have me come over to spend hours filling this room up with big, small, rare, colorful, twisted, printed loons. Watch as I bust your precious Q24’s, Belbal 14’s, GEO blossoms, KathyLooner 36’s. Whats great is, you are totally scared out of your mind and you are stuck in the chair watching, frozen unable to move. You are so scared but cant take your eyes off of me and my very devious smile. You know I'm going to pop them but with every one I pop, you feel your manhood twinge helplessly getting harder. I put a pin in between my teeth, and put it to work as I hold one balloon at a time, again and again and kiss of ____ to pop them. my hair blows back from the popping flowing air and my smile is huge seeing your scared reaction. You jump in your chair, you want to scream but your body is stuck, except your cock, your cock loves it when I pop all these fuckers fearlessly. I use my long red fingernails to pop many. I sit on many. I bite to pop several too. I keep popping and popping making sure you know how i feel about how scared you are of these lovely cute colorful balloons bursting right in front of your face. The huge balloons sure go bang as all the rest do over and over and over again. Once I finally make you feel like the most fearful loon slut there is, i laugh some more at you. We both thought I was done popping all of them, but i end up finding 2 unpopped balloons that i of course know exactly what to do with. I blow these lil suckers up until they pop. You barely can hold back your tears and your need to burst as well and this is your time to burst now that they are all gone and you are surrounded by shards, so many shards.