7:14 video
I'm already wrapped & mummified in white silk and secured with many pantyhose to keep my bound, now its time to ensure i don't go anywhere for a long while as he still owes me rent. I don't see me collecting it but instead him taking payment from me physically. He reveals and ties my toes as i continue to protest and gagtalk and swear at him through my stuffed mouth gag. The tape wrapped around my head holds it secure as my words are very muffled but clearly I'm not saying anything nice! He continues to degrade me by putting a pair of dirty panties over my face and nose and securing them as my eyes are peaking out the legs holes. I gag talk and protest through my gag and struggle hard in my binds. I'm not sure if i will ever be able to collect rent now
12:45 video
Im hanging out in the wonderful Pacific North West of the US and im on a walk with me and a huge orange balloon. Of course I have my purple rain coat on and my rubber boots on just incase in rains. These trees are so huge and well, i just love all things outside so I cant beat this with a balloon in hand as well. I blow this sucker up as I talk to you and walk and just have a good ol time with my cup of coffee as well. Once this balloon gets pretty large, my dear friend Juliet Heart comes to harrass me just like any friend should do, altho she has a pitch fork in her hands and that worries me! I cant have her pop my pretty balloon but I dont know her intentions so I try to keep on blowing this sucker up but she and I chitchat a bit and I realize if i dont do something, she WILL pop it and I cant have that..I really would have loved to blow to pop this sucker you know what, i think i will save it and keep it in one piece for yet another day of filling it up with my hot air. I decide i should just let it go and let it fly free as the air in it XXXX it on a nice little flight in the woods. Yes, i think this was a better way than to be popped by a pitch fork, dont you think? It survived another day in Fayths & Juliets grasp, and not many balloons can say that!
11:00 video
Ashlee is still at our mercy as she is wearing very sexy short red shorts which emphasis her camel toe, fishnets, and sexy high-heels. First she is standing as she I get a closer look at her but then we decide she is seeing too much as she is ball-gagged and blindfolded with a leather panel. Drool drips down her chin and onto her chest from the hidden ballgag. She is directed where to turn and what to do then further more she is hogtied with straps and cuffs as is this is her favorite position to be bound in. She wines and moans and drools as the photographer and I enjoy her in this predicament watching as she struggles and is helpless. But we are far from done as a guest in my haunted house!
16:35 video
I am a very smart scientist that has just invented a life saving landmine cocooning system that will save endless lives. I realize as im finalizing my reports that i'm late for my meeting with the government to propose my invention.. i quickly and stupidly place my landmine systems on the floor and get undressed out of my lab coat, blouse & skirt & heals leaving me in my stockings and panties and bra. As i hurriedly grab my reports, i step on one of my inventions and BOOM..i end up inside this stretchy but inescapable material. I struggle, i moan, i gripe and I struggle with all my might as my head is outside of the cocoon. You can see and hear my frustration as I still have my glasses on for a clear view of my mistake. I try with all my might to get out, rolling all over the floor happy to know that i still have 1 of my inventions left to propose at my meeting if i ever get there. Finally after I calm down a bit, i realize I always carry a little pocket knife in my bra at all times. Im so smart sometimes. Ahhh..much better..Im out of this amazing substance of a coccoon and now its time to get to the meeting but i completely forgot the invention was on the floor and BAM...back into yet another cocoon, making my glasses fly to the floor and me not happy at all. I cant beleive myself. I fight and I struggle to get out. I realize that my knife is on the table and even if i could reach the knife, I wouldnt be able to grab it since my arms are stuck inside this material. I roll all over trying to find a weak spot. I try to get my hands out through the neck hole but its no use, its so tight and unpenetratable. What am I going to do..I dont have but 2 protypes and both have detinated. I get mad, I get flustered, I punch and i kick trying to escape but its no use. I stretch my legs out and i poke and punch but its no use. I talk to myself as maybe this is a nightmare..It has to be a nightmare since this is the worse thing that could happen to me since i started this project years ago. I decide to just close my eyes, just hoping I wake up in the morning and its all just a dream..it just has to be. Or will I wake up still stuck with my head protruding from this cocoon with no way out.
18:28 video
Phantom Fayth makes a long overdue return since no other superhero can seem to accomplish fighting all the crime in town. I am suited up in my thick black full footed tights, long sleeved black unitard and I am about to put my thigh high boots on, when i take a drink of this milky white substance. Silly me don't quit know where it came from but all superheros need hydration, right? I soon get very tired and my body decides its time for a XXXX before fighting crime. Its helpless so pull a pillow from my couch and fall aXXXX. I wake up to find myself wrapped very very tightly in plastic wrap with my wrists also bound behind my back beneath the wrap. I wake up confused but realize quickly a villain knows if i return, they no longer can commit crimes. My tights covered feet are not wrapped but exposed and wiggling the entire time. I am not gagged as you can hear my protest and my problem solving techniques as i am wrapped so tightly, breathing is hard and struggling is even harder but I eventaully roll and struggle to the door trying with all my might to twist the door handle with my feet but to no avail. I use the staircase to see that the sloppy villain left a pair of scissors behind. I struggle, roll, and try my damnedest to make it back to the table and XXXX off the scissors off the table. But once they are on the ground, i realize after trying everything that the scissors is useless. I cant get my hands untied or loose from the mummification to use them and my toes cant use the scissors effectively. I am doomed to not fight crime as I breath heavily as you see moisture building up beneath the plastic I am very sweaty beneath as i have given it all i got to escape and struggle. The clear packing tape holding the plastic wrap secure really held tight as I lie there helpless just hoping this is a nightmare as i fall back into a XXXX bliss hoping this is all a nightmare, but is it? The crime shall continue in the town until Phantom Fayth escapes, but when???
3:05 video
I'm hanging out at Venus Fair in Berlin, Germany in slinky lingerie and its time I show the audience my fetish. Of course if its not bondage, its balloons:) I have a huge balloon that my wonderful German friend gave me to blow to pop. They always seem to give me huge ones..but that's ok..I'm up for the challenge! My dear Australian gal pal is standing by to watch and learn what a blow to pop is all about. I talk to her and guide her on what i'm doing and where we are. This convention is full of people and since i'm on the stairway, it gives them room to take pictures and gather around if they aren't interested in the bondage stage show going on at the moment as well. I'm smiling and on a mission with the blimp shaped balloon. Unfortunately, this balloon has been sitting around and couldn't take the wrath of my breath for too long and prematurely popped. My reaction is very genuine as I am upset and disappointed but I'm not done. I have another one very handy..What better way to teach Cobie that these things happen and when it does, just grab another balloon and keep on blowing. Stay tuned for my next public blow to pop.
9:46 video
8:47 video
I have an air compressor in the other room and the first pillow i grab that is already slightly inflated needs lots more air until it can burst from too much excitement aka air:) The nozzle is unlike majority of other inflatables as its hole is large and hard to handle but i try my best. The 1st pillow gives me problems and ends up with a hole so I just rip it to shards, as you can see from my disappointed reaction after i cover myself with its ripped apart piece, i must try again. Now this next one folks is something that I've never expected nor should do again for safety reasons. I get a good grip on the inflater and its awkward chamber and i inflate this sucker way more than I anticipated. I remove my jeans, my shirt and I'm ready for this sucker to pop. I'm nervous and scared but what makes it worse or better is that i lay my entire weight on it as inflates to almost a complete circle. BOOOOM...and i go crashing to the ground, hitting it hard but damn, I'm super happy i was able to keep a good grip on this big blue sucker and inflate it until it pops. WOW..not the smartest or safest thing I've ever done but WOW, it sure was fun!! I'm super excited now to inflate the rest until they pop but off camera and with a friend to help. Don't you wish you were here to help me pop all these pooltoys?
38:52 video
I walk into a house wondering where all the furniture went and as i check out the other rooms, i find it! I find your secret balloon stash. I cant believe this is where you hit all your inflated balloons. You really thought you could hide it from me. Now it time for me to take care of them my way. You are so scared of popping balloons that you just let all 500 of them inflated and filling this room. Not for long. I immediately get to work on popping them. You are such a pussy. I use my nails squeezing them till they pop, over and over again. I bite others over and over again. I'm not scared one bit. I soon light a cigarette and use my hot cherry to burst many. I hold the smoke in between my lips and give many balloons the kiss of XXXX. I make comments about you until you walk in, then i talk right to you (the camera) reiterating the fact that you are just standing there shaking from fear of the popping balloons. I call you wimp, a pussy and see you trembling, probably almost peeing your pants due to your utter fear of my fearless nature of popping them in my face and yours. I continue this wrath on the balloons, lighting a few cigarettes and popping hundreds of balloons without mercy. I use my high healed boots to pop many others but my teeth and my nails are my preferred method of popping when i don't use the red hot cherry of my fag to burst them. The floor becomes more and more covered with shards as this makes me smile all along. You are so scared and speechless as you just watch me destroy your room filled balloon stash. Once I pop all 500, i decide to look in the closet. I'm sure you have something there i need to know of. I find an inflator and a large deflated balloon. Of course i plug the pump in and blow this sucker up until it pops from too much air as it is blown to pop. Now I am very happy girl. You created this mess, now its time for you to clean it up as i crawl through the floor covered in shards in my ripped jeans and devious smile.
19:37 video
Im hanging in glorious Spain with my dear friend Andreas from supertightbondage and he has plans for me. I never know what his devious plans are but im willing to sacrifice my mind & body for his pleasure! He takes his time with this huge spool of very rough sisal rope as he ties my ankles, below my knees, above my knees so tie. He plans on cutting it off of me. so he doesnt have ot worry about getting knots out, so the knots are extememly tight. I smile and make smart ass remarks but this only makes him tie even tighter in a very casual manner. He then tie the very rough twine around my chest and elbows and wrists and of course double gags me to keep me from protesting too loudly. Once I am helped to the ground. My hair is tied back to hold my head up and I am arched as hard as my body will allow. Stay tuned for the true reactions i make in my first and hardest sisal rope hogtie ever. This is only of the tie..the next release will be of the "struggle" and cut out.
8:28 video
Im hanging out with Caroline Pierce at FetishCon 2015 with nothing but itty bitty thongs on. I have 2 pretty balloons and of course i give her the balloon that is her favorite color and we blow it up and chitchat and have fun with it. We squeeze it with our feet and pull on it stretching it and making it more durable along the way for more torturous fun. We cross each others legs into the others and sit as close as we can enjoying the loons we have in our hands and in our mouth. Once we have them blown up bigger, we tie them off and sit on them. Our thong clad asses cant look any better than on top of these balloons as we bounce and laugh at their eventual demise to shards. We admire each others asses as we bounce as her pops beneath her showing her genuine reaction to the popping. As mine is still blown up, we both have a seat on my balloon as I straddle her sexy body between mine. This balloon just cant take all this half naked sexiness as it burst beneath us. WOW, I cant ask for a better pop with Caroline between my legs. We must do this again as she walks away i just cant stop staring as her ass. What a perfect ass she has!!
8:00 video
I wake up not knowing where I am with a tight tape gag wrapped around my head. My eyes say it all. I am groggy and not knowing where I am other than in a bathtub. I am bound with my wrists behind my back and my ankles tapes together as well. I am in my tight black jeans and sneakers. I must've been grabbed off the street on the way to the store but I don't remember. I struggle and not scream since i don't know where my captor is. I try with all my might to loosen the tape but instead the tubs white stuff gets all over my black clothing. I try to crawl out of the tub anyway i can with out hurting myself. My gagged stuffed mouth closely viewed as you come in POV scaring me as i try to rooch away shaking my head in protest. You grab me and drag me out to then have me thoroughly taped to a chair as i try to struggle and i get frustrated swearing underneath my gag. I am not happy trying wit all my might to loosen or rip the tape bondage off of me. My red hair glistens from the light shining through the window as i struggle fiercely as I demand you release me. I will not let you have me or take me lightly to say the least. The scissors is on the table, I wonder if i can get to them and cut myself out before you have your way with me...Which will happen first...is the question??This video brought to you by Sir Knott.
33:17 video
I'm hanging out with lots of implements & 4 high heals. Now its time to use my imagination to figure out how to make the toe of each heal stay in between my teeth filling my mouth with the toe. As usual, i don't have much of a plan but in the end, WOW, i sure do create some very effective gags with these high-heals. I use plastic wrap to secure one in my mouth and even blindfold myself as with each gag, i let you know how I'm feeling and if i think its an effective gag or not. I use my favorite designed duck tape to also secure a heal in my mouth as i wrap the tape around my head and hair. I lose some hair in the the removal process but damn that too was a great gag mumbling my words very nicely. So instead of having enough of tape removal hair-loss, i also secure a heal toe in my mouth with clear packing tape. When you think i have had enough, i have 1 more shoe to play with and this time I use twine to wrap and wrap my head with as i make the toe go fully into my mouth and have twine wrapped many time around my head as i again tell you what i think. I really enjoy the looks of this twine gag. I also show you any drool that might be helplessly created from these hard gags.
9:27 video
I have a local friend over and I would like to introduce Lexi Lane. As we talk about her history with balloons and her experience with popping them, i decide what a better way to get to know her better than have some blowing and popping fun. I have a big red polka dotted balloon for her and I as we both sit casually and blow these suckers up until they pop. Her reaction is nothing but smiles and joy of accomplishing this challenge. She sits back and watches as my balloon gets much bigger than hers as i also blow to pop this big red loon. Now that we are both smiling ear to ear, now its time to have fun with a condom. Instead of wrapping it on a cock, we decide to unroll the lubed condoms and blow these suckers up as well until they pop. Lexi is such a natural and really fun to blow beside..especially when they pop. I hope you enjoyed this introduction of Lexi Lane. She is available for customs as she is local and willing to do much of the same debauchery I do..along with tight bondage;)
10:11 video
Im here to collect rent but he has a better idea. An idea that includes him not paying the rent but instead having me pay instead by XXXX me to strip and hesitantly listening to him instead. He points his protection at me as i give him attitude but quickly realize that he is in charge, not I. I strip down as i have no choice and I end up in a mummified silk encased bind with many nylons and tights used to bind me helpless. My mouth is shoved full with clear tape wrapped around my head. I don't stop trying to tell him off through my gag as i swear and curse as him but I am in no position to do much else but gag talk. I struggle and I try to escape but the mummification keeps me bound and helpless as his captive. I am angry and protesting but I am not going anywhere as i test every nylon holding me in a tight bundle. To be continued....
6:21 video
I'm hanging out with my favorite balloon friends in a public stairwell at Venus Fair in Berlin, Germany. They always have a surprise gift for me and now its time for me to blow to pop one of the gifts. I'm wearing a slinky body suit with my nipples popping out of the holes and a sexy pair of thongs beneath. Of course my shoes are off and I'm finally not on stage where i don't have to wear them. I'm happy with my friends and barefooted to say the least. I know that when this orange balloon with printed bats on it will make a ridiculously loud and echoed boom when it bursts but thats what makes it fun..I wonder if we will get in trouble. I stand for a bit but realize i must sit to keep on blowing or else i will fall over. I soon have a difficult time holding onto the neck but i don't give up, it just gives me more motivation to hold this sucker, get the right grip and blow it up until it pops. When it bursts, I cant believe how loud of a bang it made. I'm smiling ear to ear as I collect the completely shredded shards on the floor. Wow, That's the renewed energy I needed, now back to the perverts waiting to see what i will do next:)
15:51 video
Ashlee Graham and I are very effectively chair tied and our mouths are shoved full with cloth and then secured with a wrap around wrap to ensure nothing but muffled sounds. We are scantily clad in lingerie and stockings and high heals.We struggle and we look at eachother, moving every limb as much as we can. Our muffled mpphhs and groans ensue but soon we are challenged to escape our hemp rope helplessness. We move our chairs closer to eachother, gag talking and grunting as Ashlee can get a better grip on my ropes as i cant get hers. So i patiently let her loosen my ropes. I try to reach hers but simply cant. My mouth filling cloth comes out of my mouth allowing for more clear gag talk and frustration but she eventually is able to loosen all the right ropes on me as can get my legs untied but the chair stays attached to my body. Once i realize i can run away, i do with the chair still attached leaving Ashlee still bound and gagged and a bit mad at me too...Giving her a kiss and getting the heck out of there. She is not happy with me but I am nowhere around to help this damsel in distress.
11:06 video
Now that its evening time at Fetishcon 2015, its time to have some fun with the hundreds of people at the pool party but I am the only one that is wearing a balloon dress and have built in floaties surrounding my body. I knew right away that i needed to go swimming once the dress was built and completed on my body 2 hours later. I walked around the convention for hours, blew to pop a balloon but now its time to test its durability. My girl Tomiko is chearing me on and I am the only one that is in the pool at first. It was amazing to twist and turn and float around. The music in the background shows just how much fun there is going on around me, so I cant help but have my own fun in my balloon dress. The lighting isnt the greatest but this video shows just how much fun and how relaxing wearing a balloon dress in the water really is. You should try it too!
10:32 video
I'm hanging out at BoundCon Austria and at the very beginning of this awesome weekend, I met 2 girls very late at night and of course we started talking about balloons and they immediately saw & heard my passion for loons in my voice..so i told them to find me before the convention ended so i can show them what a blow to pop is and the joy i hope they get from it too. A couple days later, they indeed found me and I simply had to join them in this first time for them. Little Red Girl thought her puffer was broken, but before the video starts I show her what to do to simply blow up the balloon and my Kiwi friend, Umiko was smiling ear to ear along beside me. Her blower was definitely not broken:) We have a seat on the floor in a very public area and the more we blow, the more people are watching..We are at a bondage convention but damn are they intrigued by balloons;)) We laugh, we blow, we have so much fun and once i blow to pop my balloon, i have fear and excitement as i don't know when the others loons will pop. Watch and find out. Turns out Little Red Girls puffer wasn't broken but unable to do a blow to pop, i suggest she sit to pop it..Her true "little" reaction is priceless. I hope i get to hang with them again so we can try again!!!
12:10 video
I'm microfoam tape gagged underneath a tightly laced leather sensory deprivation hood. I'm naked and have 4 leather straps wrapped tightly around my ankles, wrists, upper arms and a strap to keep my wrists and ankles as close as they can get. The straps are digging into my skin so hard, it hurts with every slight movement. I try and roll over and struggle but it hurts and i am having a hard time just doing that. I try and I try but sometimes all i can do is wiggle my dirty bare feet. My body gets covered in cement dust from this dingy basement floor and my breathing gets heavy as i only have 1 hole to breath out of and my tape gag is making it very difficult. I mpph and I try to gag talk but to no avail. Soon my partner rushes into the basement feeling bad he forgot me hear from way earlier in the day but there will be people to come over to look at this house that is for sale in 2 minutes. He unstraps my naked body, and unhoods me..I guess ill just greet them at the door dirty and naked instead.
9:04 video
I am going to do something a bit differant. I have a 36" white balloon and I have a handy dandy hand pump. I sit in my Sunday dress and bare feet and I pump this white balloon up until its pretty darn big but squishy enough to hug and love on. Once Im done pumping, I kiss the balloon with my dark red lips and leave perfect lipstick stains of my lips all over it. When Im happy with the loving I gave it, I deflate the balloon slowly having fun with the air escaping this loon. The lipstick lip prints on the balloon are very small but perfect. Now its time to mail it off for someone else to enjoy this not popped balloon.
21:18 video
He has been keeping an eye on me for a long long time. He finally knows that the time is right to sneak in, watch me XXXX for a bit and then help me realize my future. He wakes me up by a strong hand over my mouth as i believe if i don't fight too much and just listen, he wont hurt me. He wraps tape around my head to cover my mouth as to not let the neighbors hear me mmpphh, scream, and protest as he helps me understand gradually that life is forever changed for me. He zip ties my wrists behind my back and my ankles together as he pets my head, fondles me and explains to me that i have a forever home waiting for me with him. He insists i will learn to love him but its hard to believe, so hard to believe. I cry, i pout, i gag talk and i am no helpless in his grasp. If i fight too much, he physically subdues me to submission once again. Once he is done with me in my PJ's, he uncuts the zip-ties and has me strip and put a sexy black open back dress on and high platform heals on all while keeping my wrap around tape gag tightly secured. He then rezipties my wrists and walks me out my front to door never look back as I am his captive forever.
10:48 video
I have a bunch of left overs from dinner and im hungry again only a few hours later but what better way to eat it than in a hotel bed and topless. I warm up my food and make myself comfy and i eat an entire loaf of bread slathered in butter and mash potatoes and get my fingers messy with a piece of prime rib. Yummy! I love hotels and the liberty to eat in bed!
29:16 video
I have a local friend over and she wants to get involved with filming some fun videos with me but first we have to introduce her and ask her questions about everything under the sun, her likes and her preferences and what she is willing to do on film with me as well. She has sexy size 9.5 feet, long legs and tattoos too. Her smile is stunning and her attitude is great! What better woman to join me in future videos. Of course my audition procedures include balloons and blowing them up until they pop. I sure love popping cherrys and balloons. I talk to her while i hold the camera as she blows and smiles. She starts with a smaller 12" balloon then a 19" balloon. Both get big and both pop but not like i would have preferred but heck, they pop and im happy;) If you want Chevelle and I to film any custom videos for you, she is anxiously awaiting your requests. I cant wait to get her in front of my camera again real soon!